Member Login |
DuPage Doubles’ membership is for parents or guardians of multiples. The membership year runs from August 1 through July 31 of the following year. Annual dues are $35 per family. New members who join after April 1st are eligible for mid-year, reduced membership dues. Join us anytime in July and your membership is good through July 31 of the following year! Mid-year dues: $25 per family (use code MIDYRADJ to join after April 1st) |
Membership in DuPage Doubles also registers you as a member of the Multiples of Illinois. You will receive Multiple Connections, the quarterly state newsletter as a member. Click here for more information on Multiples of Illinois. |
Membership in DuPage Doubles also registers you as a member of Multiples of America. You will receive Multiple Connections (published four times per year) which provides the latest information on rearing and the development of multiple-birth children.
Click here for more information on Multiples of America.