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DuPage Doubles’ membership is for parents or guardians  of multiples. The membership year runs from August 1 through July 31 of the following year. Annual dues are $35 per family. New members who join after April 1st are eligible for mid-year, reduced membership dues.

Join us anytime in July and your membership is good through July 31 of the following year!

Mid-year dues: $25 per family (use code MIDYRADJ to join after April 1st)

Membership in DuPage Doubles also registers you as a member of the Multiples of Illinois. You will receive Multiple Connections, the quarterly state newsletter as a member.

Click here for more information on Multiples of Illinois.

Membership in DuPage Doubles also registers you as a member of Multiples of America. You will receive Multiple Connections (published four times per year) which provides the latest information on rearing and the development of multiple-birth children.

Click here for more information on Multiples of America.

General Member - $35.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: August 1st No automatically recurring payments

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                                         PO Box 2464, Naperville, IL  60567-2464                     
DuPage Doubles is a 501c3 nonprofit organization

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